29 May 2016

Weekend notes: Process v.s. Object

To write or to talk two of my methods to set/hold a process to create a certain level of understanding.

In Object oriented programming, the term Object is mainly a process;
It's 'a named object' that transforms Input to Outputs. Usually one of the inputs is the main object to be transformed, some of the other inputs are support objects/components for the main object, and some of the inputs are there to guide/control the process.

Process = Objects put in a certain sequence.
The traditional Hierarchical Organisation primarily recognise the Object responsibility, not Process responsibility.
In practice 'bottom up' has a Object responsibility, and top down has a Process responsibility
'Process mining' can discover the primary sequence

 Bildresultat för object oriented programming
Picture: Object oriented (programming); f.e. a thumb can do certain things

Example: 'A thumb' can do certain things (it can bend). Other fingers can do the same thing.
Noun view = fingers can bend
Verb view (process/method/functions) = bend can fingers - requires time
So an Object can be viewed as a Sub-process; a dishwasher wash dishes

Picture: However Properties/Attributes are the Adjectives; the define the Object (or Noun)

Now the Output from a process is defined usually defined as an Object, and that object has - among other properties - a value (read worth from 'the eye (sense) of the beholder'.

Picture: The concept of 'a vehicle'. An instance

Picture: Guiding Principles, for the object or process ;-) ?

AGA-EAP (pg.8): "Principles should be stable, having a “timeless” quality because they define a value system (as a rule, while methodologies frequently change, values do not)."
'Value for Trade' can be 'Value for Money/Time/Effort/etc'.
Equality - Fair Trade, Good for everyone and no Harm for no-one

Picture: One type of the inputs are Rules/Targets

Picture: Principles are inherited

Justice - Ethics

Picture: Right outcome for stakeholders(effective), Right process (efficient)

The learning process
Step1: Factual: procedures (not named), things, places, ...
Step2: Conceptual; procedures (named), ...., ..., ...
Step3: Pre-dictional; understanding the clockwork for a certain output
Step4: Pre-scriptional; understanding the optimal outcome from various angels.
a) uphold previous levels, b) set a new level, c) uphold new levels
OneNote Class Notebook as an e-Portfolio 4
Picture: The right teacher (master) can guide the student improve the process

Key Learning Areas = Subjects = Objects(facts; procedures)
The order in which we learn (do things) can be flexible, a Critical Path Method
The way we combine the objects are

They are getting closer, but they still don't see the full picture ;-)

Picture: Corporate Performance Manager suite (Gartner) via PowerPlanner

Reporting = Get data
Budgeting = Resource planning
Forecasting = Output planning

Helping Agencies Share Information Efficiently
Picture: Pyramid of principles

Tier1: Principles to Collaborate; good for all, bad for none (of the stakeholders)


Picture: Physical  and logical world

Free; To resources/process/publish
Fair: Equal rules right/wrong

Above all else show the data
Tufte, 1983

Picture: Data ink ratio (the power of simplicity)

Deviation Actual / Target

Picture: VarianceToBudget (Deviation Actual / Target)

The Business model works perfectly...
Picture: The fundamental dimension; can=capabilities, will=ambition

Source file: How to combine two tables with different granularity (PowerBI-model)

Physical v.s. Metaphysical limit
Metaphysical = attempts to describe the physical world."The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g., existenceobjects and their propertiesspace and timecause and effect, and possibility. "

Sensual art - composition of various sensors
SKU=StockKeepingUnit v.s. Individual

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