01 May 2016

Weekend notes: Lean, Governing framework, Home of Reason

I enjoy reading this blog post but I think some things are a bit biased. Even if it triggers the urge to comment.

Lean people spend numerous hours (drinking coffee, discussing) investigating efficiency actions. This argument can also be true, but it depends on what the people (involved) can do and wants to do (as a fact or as a feeling).

Next post: Few think deep of the true reason behind things - like visualise is a way to engage one of our sensory input systems (more data points) making it easier to draw conclusions. Like machine learning methods, it (individual/group human learning) increase degree of True/Positives (confusion matrix). And similar to distance distortions (via meta levels) we talk about Go & See (or Go & Do).

The Governing Framework
The Governing framework predicts all of the below (it's power still amaze me...so, a book) :
Mandate ~ foresight

Framework decision = Required results without dictating the means...shall be binding.
Directives = capable of direct effect
Text: ...shall take measures (actions) and promote cooperation, using the appropriate form and procedures (processes) as set out in this title, contributing to the pursuit of the objectives of the Union. To that end, ...

legal doctrine is a framework, set of rules, procedural steps, or test, often established through precedent in the common law, through which judgements can be determined in a given legal case. A doctrine comes about when a judge makes a ruling where a process is outlined and applied, and allows for it to be equally applied to like cases. When enough judges make use of the process soon enough it becomes established as the de facto method of deciding like situations.

Constitutionalism is "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behaviour elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law".

Constitutionalism has descriptive (is/now) and prescriptive (should be/future) uses.  
Used descriptively, it refers chiefly to the historical struggle for constitutional recognition of the people's right to 'consent' and certain other rights, freedoms, and privileges.... Used prescriptively... its meaning incorporates those features of government seen as the essential elements of the... Constitution"
... rest on the collective sovereignty of the people...  
(the sovereignty of laws for life, as a consequence of the physical laws).

 ...institutions are expected to be permanent, and every state has established ways of doing things. But even with a "formal written document labelled 'constitution', it does not follow that it is committed to constitutionalism.  "constitutionalism... ought to be recognized as a distinctive ideology and approach to political life...

Picture: The purpose of apprenticeship is to fosters a strong passion to master a process.

(The output from the Mission process is a
resource (product/service/capital) for any stakeholder.

The output from the Vision process are Governing framework (rules;if/then). The natural laws/rules. )

(To write down the current/expected values, principles, methods, and results is the first step to develop a Governing framework. The second part is to be governed by the Governing framework.)

A constitution is not uncommonly limited to (link): "A company constitution is a document that generally specifies the rules governing the relationship between and activities of the company, its directors and shareholders". ..a contract between the company and each member...directors...This only creates enforceable rights and obligations ...to shareholders...directors and/or company secretary."

"Insamlade data" + "Ny insikt" + "Handling" = ”Värde”

Home of Reason

Neocortex återfinns bara hos däggdjur. Den består av sex lager neuroner som löper längs med hjärnans yta. Det är i denna del av hjärnan som högre utvecklade beteenden och kognitiva förmågor sitter. Där är bl.a. här som våra konsekvenser av våra handlingar präglas.

The neocortex says Carl Sagan in his iconic Cosmos, is where "matter is transformed into consciousness (link) ... appearance of symbols and language.

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