25 June 2017

Weekend notes

Change-process (re-direct resources):
Image result for control systemImage result for simple control system block diagram
Pic. See, Decide action, Execute action.......Simplest reaction

Pic. (link)

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Related image

Agile: change quickly (soft-ware)
Robust: change slowly (hard-ware)

Image result for actuator system

In: Indic-ator
Out: Actu-ator (action, execu-tor)

Image result for agility, KPI

Controlling the Core-processes ;-) ... ?
Image result for control system illuminati

Google’s speech recognition technology now has a 4.9% word error rate
Photo published for Google’s speech recognition technology now has a 4.9% word error rate

Pic. good colors (link)

Pic. good colors (link)

Every question creates a dent in the universe, towards which an answer can roll.
As so is very dimension.
Constants are resources
Creation, Formation, Transformation, pr


Universe is falling (and we...makes sense)

Figure 4-12 shows how the outputs of lower order work processes are used as inputs to higher order work processes, along with additional resource inputs.  This applies to all levels of work from sub-projects to projects/processes to programs to branch to agency to portfolio.  Further explanation can be found in the surrounding text.
Link: Methods (Bottom-up, Top-down, Start2End, End2Start)

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Elon Musk Best Advice  - Very similar world-view (though, I would add a few things)

Origami formula, Electronic lense, Solar paint

"Using a sophisticated type of mathematics in a way that it has never been used before in neuroscience, a scientists have uncovered a universe of multi-dimensional geometrical structures and spaces within the networks of the brain. This research has significant implications for our understanding of the brain."






Great News, again

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