Change-process (re-direct resources):
Pic. See, Decide action, Execute action.......Simplest reaction

Agile: change quickly (soft-ware)
Robust: change slowly (hard-ware)
In: Indic-ator
Out: Actu-ator (action, execu-tor)

Controlling the Core-processes ;-) ... ?

Google’s speech recognition technology now has a 4.9% word error rate …

Pic. good colors (link)
Pic. good colors (link)
Every question creates a dent in the universe, towards which an answer can roll.
As so is very dimension.
Constants are resources
Creation, Formation, Transformation, pr

Universe is falling (and we...makes sense)

Link: Methods (Bottom-up, Top-down, Start2End, End2Start)


Elon Musk Best Advice - Very similar world-view (though, I would add a few things)
Origami formula, Electronic lense, Solar paint
"Using a sophisticated type of mathematics in a way that it has never been used before in neuroscience, a scientists have uncovered a universe of multi-dimensional geometrical structures and spaces within the networks of the brain. This research has significant implications for our understanding of the brain."


Woah, the WebGL map I made for FT's ‘One belt, one road’ special report is featured on the @Mapbox home page!— David Blood (@davidcblood) April 25, 2017
Great News, again