08 January 2017

Weekend notes

Fair Agreements - they way friends think/feel

Two models: a) only what's promised* --> predictable,  b) only what's fair --> just

This would legitimate the develop a values (värdegrund) articulated/expressed like loyalty/care.
Mutual - solidarity - Commutative/Kommutativitet (x*y=y*x)

* Pacta sunt servanda - agreements must be kept
* ... - but only if they are built on a fair foundation (morally just)
---> "Fair agreements must be kept"

Post: R is better then M
Top 10 machine learning algorithms - and their usage

Yule tree: Key success/failure-factors to evolution

We're closer to robots than you think. 
Intelligence could be the product of a basic algorithm
 161201-brain formula graphic Source Augusta University
This algorithm is found in the Theory of Connectivity, a “relatively simple mathematical logic underlies our complex brain computations,” according to researcher and author Joe Tsien.

The theory describes how groups of similar neurons form a complexity of cliques to handle basic ideas or information. These groups cluster into functional connectivity motifs (FCM), which handles every possible combinations of ideas. 

Pic. Site

Infographics 2016

 Source: http://scholar.harvard.edu/baym/home

Tweenr: YouTube, GitHub


Ethical Esthetic: AxessTV serie

120319 | Konstlab | Elisabet Yanagisawa Avén from Atalante on Vimeo.

Japansk Estetisk Filisofi: konst design och filosofi,
Relationer mellan materia och abstraktion. Vad som händer innan det blir materia, först skapa händelser, på ytan. Begrepps-artikuleringar. Ytan, Ytlig, Framträda, Betraktas, Gest-estik. Fenomenologi inte tillräcklig, Det strukturella studiet (begreppen) kommer efter.
Rama in framträdandet skapar förutsättningar för fånga det.
Att beröra och bli berörd.

Rämnor - mellanrummet visar relationen, vad det kommer från.
Ma: inom musiken är mellanrummen - things to come.
Att abstrahera detta gör det begripligt.
Assemblange; the art of making things fit.

Att upptäcka mellanrummen eller mellan-tingen, det mellan-begreppsliga, som ett sätt att närma sig det-som-är genom att förstå det-som-inte-är, och att båda har en potential, till sin motsats.
Särskillt som minnets närhet, skapar en förväntan.

Begrepps-arkeologi: Hitta artefakter. Återupptäcka
Det namnlösa.


Everything Facebook knows about you
...that advertisers can use.

To fight for something is also to fight against something.
However, we lack the vocabulary for those things; the categories to fight for/against.
Equal rights (is a vision) & equal resource (is a reality).
To share the benefit of your values, time, voice, resources with others (those most in need).
30% tax is 1/3 for the society. 2/3 for me and 1/3 for we.

Image result for Origin of the Elements in the Solar System

Moral reframing (4:15): Teach Liberals, to use Conservative value words - and vice versa.

Image result for moral reframing

Civic Power

How to Topple a Dictator: 
* Unity, Planning, Non-violence
* Enthusiasm & Humour v.s. Fear & Apathy

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