17 April 2016

Weekend: Resources & Project

Uniform Resource Identifier

Uniform = there is a standard (labels)
Identifier (id/code/label/symbol) = what; video: code vs identifier
                (Top down: I am what I do, Bottom up; what I do I am - defined by property)

Locator = where (now)
Unique Identifier = Individual (one instance)
"=" is an Assignment operator, or a Comparison

En URI består av följande delar:
     \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
      |           |            |            |        |
   schema authority sökväg fråga fragment
      |   _____________________|__
     / \ /                        \

Domestic (primary) key
Foreign key

Main Resource Identifications: Databases, Tables, Columns
Database schema: architectural map, wire diagram, + Relationships

Http = Language (protocol). Naming conventions is only as good as the consistency/quality
Parsing or syntactic analysis is the process of analysing a string of symbols, either in natural language or in computer languages, conforming to the rules of a formal grammar.
Tokenization is the process of demarcating and possibly classifying sections of a string of input characters. Tokenized and represented by the following table:
LexemeToken category
="Assignment operator"
3"Integer literal"
+"Addition operator"
2"Integer literal"
;"End of statement"
Denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, like dictionaries try to define it.
Connotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning within a certain context.
Example: a rose, can have different meanings in different contexts/culture/habitat.
---> Context model, Information model. Data model

Uniform Process Identifier (non-existing today)
Transaction = In, Action/Process, Out
Every row - from Input to Output is a Project (requires, resources, and end-product)

Every project has a end-product has a 'product-target' and 'effect-target'.

Views = Stored Virtual tables (via a query) - one select, simple
Stored Procedures = to make Virtual tables - much more capable

Picture: Binary operations; To Arithmetic (number), To Compare (number/text), ...

I think we use operator for numbers, text and tables. For instance, it should be possible to use Merge and Append operations (symbols) for Tables. Example [ColA]&[ColB] and [Part1]¤[Parts2].

&! could be used to subtract: [ColAB]&![ColB] --> [ColA]

Typer av förfrågningar
HTTP (protokoll eller språk) oftast beroende på GET eller POST definierar åtta åtgärder som en klient kan begära utförande av på en fil på en HTTP-server:
  • GET – Ber servern att skicka den utpekade filen till klienten. Detta är i särklass det mest använda HTTP-kommandot.
  • HEAD – Ber servern att skicka information om den utpekade filen, men utan att skicka själva innehållet i filen.
  • POST – Sänder någon form av information, till exempel användarens namn och lösenord till servern.
  • PUT – Om tillåtelse ges, laddar upp en utpekad fil från klienten till servern för lagring.
  • DELETE – Raderar den utpekade filen. Detta kommando används sällan och många webbservrar har inget stöd för det.
  • TRACE – Ber servern att skicka tillbaka klientförfrågan precis i det skick som den anlände till servern. Detta kommando kan användas för att kontrollera om någon tredje part mellan klient och server har gjort några ändringar i förfrågan.
  • OPTIONS – Returnerar en lista över de HTTP-kommandon som servern stöder.
  • CONNECT – Används med proxy-servrar som kan fungera som SSL-tunnlar.

The basics
Dimensions usually contain mainly Hierarchies (attributes - the nouns and adjectives)
Measures usually contains mainly Flows (transactions - the verbs, the change/value-adding).

The Fundamental Objects, and their Properties appear here too:
The Fundamental Properties, based the fundamental sensors (senses) are here too:

UDEF definitions (video), principles (video). example
Picture: The Fundamental Framework is the same (Laws-Rules can also be targets) - video

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