23 December 2015

Emotions, Biosensors, Signals & Control system

Picture: Emotions Mapped In The Human Body, 'Most Accurate' Visualization Of Emotion-Related Bodily Sensations

Basic actions: Do, Feel, Control, Contribute

Genre: Horror (Fear), Tragedy (Sorrow), Humor (Happiness), Romance (Love), Action (Courage), Hero (Pride),

Research: Fundamental (understand), Applied (use),

Bio receptors

 Sufficient accuracy and repeatability Sufficient speed of response Sufficient dynamic range. Insensitivity to envi...
Picture: Sensors; Biological-Chemical-Physical, Bio-sensors, Bio-transducer, Slideshare

To transduce: to convert (as energy or a message) into another form <essentially sense organs transduce physical energy into a nervous signal>. Latin transducere to lead across, transfer, from trans- + ducere to lead

Example: Gut-feeling = To smell the right way 
"Cells have an infallible sense of smell that tells them which direction to grow in to move closer to the source of a scent. Now, researchers have now learned how this sense of smell works."

Picture: The PS (polarity site, yellow traces) is a Sensor, Processor and Motor all in one – a multi-fuctional instrument that controls cell growth and movement. Source

"A frequent problem faced by cells is that they are surrounded by a promising cloud of scent and must determine the direction of its source. Nerve cells, for example, form long extensions that are attracted to signals from other cells in order to produce the network that forms the nervous system; similarly, scavenger cells recognise the scent of harmful germs in order that they can pursue and destroy them."

"The essential components of the machinery include; 
1) Protein Cdc42 (the Wheel) , which carries Receptors (the Nose, forwards the signal ) on the membrane. 
2) Protein Cdc24 (the Brake) 
PS is moving across the cell membrane and looking for a stronger chemical signal. PS then creates a bulge in the cell at this location, which continues to grow towards the source of the signal
"The computer mode helped us to reduce the complexity to a few essential components"

Picture: Basic control system.

Matching (to target) system
Picture: PID-controller (Proportional (height), Integral–derivative

Picture: Negative feedback system - Set Points promotes stability. Positive feedback accelerates

Picture: Controller takes the signal, compares with the Set-Point, and gives a recommendation
Homeostasis: to be in balance/equilibrium link

Picture: Reflex (self control) bypass the slower Central Control (spinal cord).

Signals: Conveys information (message), Signal-processing
Noice is an unwanted signal.
Any signal can be categorised/labeled - sampled into "accounts".

Blogs: Data/Information VisualisationSignal book (Stephen Fry)

Philosophy now oct/nov-2015 (page 12)
The above is also valid within Philosophy/Sociology/Psychology

Two views:
* Freedom from restrictions - right to deviate
* Protection from deviations
Bell curve - the mountain

Deviate from the Norm
a) external motivation - requires energy
     To drift into a Norm - least resistance (unreflectively imitate others)
b) internal motivation - less energy
Bell curve - the valley (depressions)

Individuals are most likely to be their own best judge. Also the most motivated.
But some needs help (f.e. to protect their rights)

Good Communication/Signal --> Cells live longer --> Longer/Happier Life

Summary: Good (quality) Relationships makes you live longer = Good Communication/Signals

Addictions (drugs, media, etc) is a substitute for Low Quality Connections


Our Outlier-actions doesn't always define us.
Terrorists, creates fear in minorities.
Poverty is the opposite of Justice.

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