20 October 2015

Faster than Light speed - 0 refraction index

"Although this infinitely high velocity sounds like it breaks the rule of relativity, it doesn't. Nothing in the universe travels faster than light carrying information -- Einstein is still right about that. But light has another speed, measured by how fast the crests of a wavelength move, known as phase velocity. This speed of light increases or decreases depending on the material it's moving through.

When the refraction index is reduced to zero, really weird and interesting things start to happen.

In a zero-index material, there is no phase advance, meaning light no longer behaves as a moving wave, traveling through space in a series of crests and troughs. Instead, the zero-index material creates a constant phase -- all crests or all troughs -- stretching out in infinitely long wavelengths. The crests and troughs oscillate only as a variable of time, not space.

It could also improve entanglement between quantum bits, as incoming waves of light are effectively spread out and infinitely long, enabling even distant particles to be entangled."


First life 4.1Billion years ago

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