01 May 2014
Trace your ancestors home, 1000yrs ago via DNA
Tracing where your DNA was formed over 1,000 years ago is now possible, thanks to a revolutionary technique. The ground-breaking Geographic Population Structure tool works similarly to a satellite navigation system as it helps you to find your way home, but not the one you currently live in -- but rather your actual ancestor's home from 1,000 years ago.
Previously, scientists have only been able to locate where your DNA was formed to within 700kms, which in Europe could be two countries away; however this pioneering technique has been 98 per cent successful in locating worldwide populations to their right geographic regions, and down to their village and island of origin.
Tracing our ancestry is now a major social trend and genealogy is the number one hobby in America. An estimated one million people in the USA have already had their DNA genotyped. People can explore their DNA by simply taking a swab from inside their mouth and sending it to a company such as 23andme or ancestry.com for costs ranging from $99-$200.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aap-s1kle4Q
Read more: Science Daily
Unpublished: Understanding=listening to yourself, Magnetic spin vortices
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