16 April 2013

Most Powerful Microbatteries

The most powerful batteries on the planet are only a few millimeters in size, yet they pack such a punch that a driver could use a cellphone powered by these batteries to jump-start a dead car battery -- and then recharge the phone in the blink of an eye. 

"This is a whole new way to think about batteries," The new microbatteries offer both power and energy, and by tweaking the structure a bit, the researchers can tune them over a wide range on the power-versus-energy scale.
With so much power, the batteries could enable sensors or radio signals that broadcast 30 times farther, or devices 30 times smaller. The batteries are rechargeable and can charge 1,000 times faster than competing technologies
"Any kind of electronic device is limited by the size of the battery -- until now" ... like RFID.

Source: link

Unpublishded: 2D semiconductors (0,7nm x 15layers)

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