15 March 2009

TED - spreading ideas

"TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.

The annual conference now brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).

This site makes the best talks and performances from TED available to the public, for free. More than 100 talks from our archive are now available, with more added each week. These videos are released under a Creative Commons license, so they can be freely shared and reposted."

TED mission: Spreading ideas.

Here are some talks that I found both interesting and fun:
John Doerr,
Ken Robinsson, Richard Dawkins, Hans Rosling,2, Tony Robbinsson
, Jill Bolte Taylor, William McDonough, Robert Full, A.J. Jacobs, Robert Ballard, Jay Walker, Juan Enriquez, Shai Agassi
For the best talks, select the most discussed or e-mailed talks.

New visual interface

Since I still find TED very interesting, I bump the post (From July 2007 to 2009 March).


  1. I loved the video by Jill Bolte Taylor on TED.

    Also, did you Dr Taylor's interviews with Oprah on Soul Series - wonderful!

    Best of all is her book MY STROKE OF INSIGHT - I've read it twice already. Second time better than the first

    Dr. Taylor is a great inspiration. The lessons in the book are life-changing...very simple yet very powerful.

    Here's the link to the book http://www.amazon.com/My-Stroke-Insight-Scientists-Personal/dp/0670020745/ref=pd_ts_b_12?ie=UTF8&s=books

    and here's the link to Oprah's interviews

  2. Great bit of information. Thanks for sharing.

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