25 October 2006

Wannahaves at the Demofall 2006 Conference

DEMO is the premier launch venue for new products, technologies and companies. For more than 16 years, DEMO has established a reputation for identifying and presenting to an elite audience the products most likely to have a significant impact on the marketplace and market trends in the coming year.
This time I listened to a product called MojoPac. Despite it's name ;-) "RingCube’s modest innovations will most certainly have a tremendous impact on anytime, anywhere computing. " Not bad review.
Check out some of the timesavers, like Dash Navigation Inc. - love to have that - or Plugged, Inc. - too early for me but great product, or Riya.com - a solution everyone will want to have. Or find your own "wannahaves", at the Demofall 2006 conference.

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